Sea Love Brand Ambassador - Amy Nelson!

Happy February to you guys!  I can’t believe we are finally over the longest month of the year (or ever, to be fair) and what a struggle it was!  Before I dive in and present you our Feature Friend (and beloved Sea Love Brand Ambassador!), how about a little catch-up?

January has been such a mixed bag; I wish I could say it ended as it started. Mentally, it has been a draining one, and by week 2 my mental health has taken a really, really low dip.  I am sure I am not the only one, but hey, it was (and still is) an adventure.  Somehow, I feel like there is hope at the end of this tunnel (March, with spring and all;)

I know, January is a difficult month.  And I usually do not feel like this, to be completely fair.  For the first time in a long time, my mental health has gone bad. It was like a riot going inside of me.  Are we surviving it?  Yes, we are (by we I mean myself and my MH).  Life is good and when you think positively, you can thrive through anything.

Alas, February!  It’s here...and almost over in a blink of an eye!  I think February it’s a month everyone waits for - the month of love and we LOVE love.  In the next couple months, we have some great lifestyle blogs, some business blogs and some travel too.  And how about food and interiors, for good measure?  Self-help, mental health...and what else do you want to see?  Honestly, just extremely varied.  You think it, we want to share it!

So, without further ado, meet Amy Nelson!

Hi Amy! Tell us about your business and what you do.  It started when I became an advocate with CRUNCHI, a high-performance line of toxin free cosmetics and skincare but has evolved into so much more. I now run an online community of likeminded individuals called Conscious Bella. It has evolved into everything health, wellness and taking steps towards toxin free. From day one, I’ve always believed this was so much more than a beauty brand. It was going to be about helping people. I am also a guest speaker talking everything toxin free at health and wellness events both virtually and in person. I live in a tiny town called Brentwood, NH, but have clients all over the country. 

When did you open your business and how did you get started? It all started back in 2018 when I learned the importance of choosing toxin free whenever possible. After losing my mother to pancreatic cancer at a very young age, followed by my personal unexplained infertility and many losses, I started looking deeper into my total body burden. And when I learned of all the ways I could reduce my exposure to toxins, endocrine disruptors, and known carcinogens, I started making some significant changes. My two boys, both rainbow babies (4 and 7) inspire me to keep going knowing small changes over time CAN make a big difference.

What is your favorite part of being an Affiliate/Ambassador? Least favorite? My favorite part of doing what I do is connecting with real people who need guidance when looking to make a change. I have met the most extraordinary people over the last few years…it’s been lifechanging. I’ve connected with cancer patients who are looking for truly toxin free products, other women going through infertility who have also experienced challenges and loss, new moms being mindful of what they are putting on their babies each and every day, parents of teens trying to empower them to make better choices to help minimize health issues later in life, immunocompromised individuals who need help finding safe swaps. There are so many reasons people are paying attention to what goes in and on their body and if I can help them in any way, I am here for it. My least favorite part…not being able to reach more people. So many people simply just don’t know about how the ingredients in their products could be harming their health. While some are choosing better, I believe everyone deserves BEST!

How did you discover Sea Love and why did you choose to offer our home fragrances to your customers? I discovered Sea Love through another CRUNCHI advocate’s story on Facebook!  And when I saw the original Scent Studio was only an hour from where I live, I had to visit.  I fell in love instantly!  I had been looking a long time for a safe toxin free candle that smelled amazing. (I used to be a HUGE Yankee Candle junkie).  My first Sea Love candle was Endless Weekend. That was a few years ago.  I’ve never used another candle brand since, and I share Sea Love with all my clients who are looking for a clean burning candle.  And meeting Stacy and Barry…just as amazing if not even more so than the candles!  We have since become great friends. They are two of the most genuine people with a love so deep for one another and for their business…bringing love and light to homes beyond measure. 

Awww, isn't the sweetest!?  It wasn't long after we met that Amy also became a Sea Love Brand Ambassador.  Sea Love Brand Ambassadors are woman that are inspired to represent our brand in a positive way.  Traditionally, our brand ambassadors are loyal customers that endorse our products to their social media communities or tribe.  We compensate our affiliates by paying a commission on sales that they generate.  To learn more, please visit Become an Ambassador – Sea Love

Thanks for joining us Amy - I love and appreciate you, beautiful friend!  To learn more or to follow her journey, visit her accounts below - she will inspire you!

Instagram: @consciousbellanh

Facebook: @consciousbella CRUNCHI:


Because having the knowledge and power to positively impact the health and wellness of every woman I know and do nothing with it is not an option.” Amy Nelson, Conscious Bella

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